Sweet September

A pleasant beginning to September has greeted all of Northeast Wisconsin. Plentiful sunshine, comfortable temperatures, and not a drop of precipitation. There isn't much to speak of weather wise... only that an abrupt change is forthcoming... but not until next weekend. (OSNW3 September Observations)

(Temp Comparison 2008 / 2009 | September 1 - 6)
Max Avg: 75.2 / 71.2 / -4.0
Min Avg: 60.0 / 52.6 / -7.4


Front Of House
I've cut the grass 7 times in 2009. I see a few more opprotunities before the growing season comes to an end. Our garden has produced one solid batch of salsa thus far and as September continues onward more batches will be produced. As far as "color", there is plenty of it around giving the landscape a sweet autumn feel.

(FOH - Sep 6, 2009)

(Tree Across The Street - Sep 6, 2009)

(Tree At End Of Street - Sep 6, 2009)

(Green-up Continuation - Through August, 2009)

(click the image for 640x480)


  1. Osn... I made a complete August follow up reported I think you might be interested in.

    I have just begun to notice fall colors in my area.

  2. D, I will check it out! September thus far has been superb!

  3. Fall color already! I haven't seen any change here nor in BC Canada which we visited about 10 days ago on a one day trip.

    Of interest here I've been able to retrieve past data from my weather station from the old computer that I thought was totally dead. There are a few minor holes. I'll be posting some of it today on the blog.

  4. Bob, yep there is plenty of color around Northeast WI. Looking forward to the data archive!

  5. Great time lapse. Enjoyed watching your neighbor's clothes change on the line. lol


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