Similar Endings
Another Summer like week, this past week, with above average temperatures and plentiful sunshine. The past nine days have seen max temps above 70. The temperature graph, below, comparing this September with last September concludes that both months ended quite similar. It's an interesting graph, showing a similar sine wave with this September being a bit less dramatic. One difference is, however, no frost occurred this September... but, the second coolest reading this month (48.0°, coolest reading 47.8° on Sep 9) did come on the same day as the first frost & coolest reading in September 2007 (39.4°), Sep 15. To date the overall max temp comparison, 71.4/71.3 (-0.01) and overall min temp comparison, 55.8/56.1 (+0.03), are very similar as well. Overall precipitation is at 37% of average (1.29 of 3.47). It's been a very dry September. ( OSNW3 Observations | Sep 22 - 28, 2008) ---- Color Report Leaves are changing slowly here at OSNW3. A few more patches of color have sp...