Winter/Spring Metamorphosis

The seasonal transition from winter to spring is upon us. With a minimal base of snow lingering, chances of rain this week, and max temps not forecast to dip below the freezing mark for the next two weeks, visions of Old Man Winter packing up and leaving will become a common site. Officially winter has a very good chance of ending mid next week here at OSNW3 which is quite typical since 2006. However, looming is the 'signature' storm of this years LRC (Lezak's Recurring Cycle). Most everyone remembers the storms from Oct 25-28, Dec 11-12, and Feb 1-2 and now we look forward to the return mid to late next week. Models will zig zag the track and timing up until the last minute so pin pointing precip type is difficult. Just know that it's coming and it will affect our region in a similar fashion as the three previous times through the cycle.

(OSNW3 Weather Brief)
(OSNW3 March Observations)

(OSNW3 March 2011 Summary)

(click on graph for the month summary data - it will open a new tab/window)


Weekly Snowfall
The first half of March has leaned on the wintry side. The highest recorded temp thus far has only been 40.2° which recently occurred on Mar 12. With many of the max temps hovering around average it has allowed the snow that fell to stick around. 6.2 inches of new snow has fallen since the month began bringing us within an inch and a half of the monthly Oshkosh average here at OSNW3. Our seasonal total stands at 56.5 inches.

(Mar 8, 2011 - 0.2")

(Mar 9, 2011 - 2.9")

(Mar 10, 2011 - 3.1")


Front Of House
I will not be cutting the grass any time soon. And as far as springing forward in time, I prefer more daylight in the morning rather than in the evening. The first Sunday in April through the last Sunday in October still seems to be a better choice in my opinion, are we really saving energy extending DST four weeks?

(FOH - Mar 14, 2011)


  1. I'm with you on the morning daylight, OSNW3. Did you hear about our surprise snow yesterday? 9.1" in Fulton! Our yearly total is 51.2" right now...not far from yours! This has been the best winter.

  2. WxWatcher, I was keeping a close eye on the snow you guys got yesterday. Was it really a surprise though? About 49 days ago snow fell in the same area with somewhat similar results on the 500mb plots and surface analysis... :)

    Check out the January radar loop I created a while back looking at the days of the 22 thru the 24.

    Then take a look at yesterdays loop from Intellicast.

    If you see this too late for the yesterday loop, I have it archived and will put them on the internet for you to see if you're interested.

    Also, tomorrow the weather map for yesterday will be available, I suggest comparing it to the maps from Jan 22-24. You'll be able to see a similar setup 49 ish days ago, which is on target for the 46-52 cycle length of the LRC this year.

  3. Yeah, I was too late for the intellicast loop. Let me know when you get that up, I'm very interested to see it!

    You know, it doesn't surprise me one bit to see the correlation between these storms. I this storm more similar to the Jan 22-24 storm? Or the Jan 19-20 storm? We got a healthy 8.2" from the 19-20 storm. I don't have a radar loop for that one, so I'm not sure if those two line up.

    Looking forward to seeing how LRC can help with forecasting severe weather outbreak setups.

    Keep up the good work!!

  4. WxWatcher, see the link below regarding severe weather and the LRC.

    Also, check back tomorrow evening and I'll have to the loops up for you... :)

  5. Looking at your current webcam and FOH photos your snow is going away quickly. We are without any on the ground now. We've had some rainy and windy WX of late, a prelude to spring I think.

    I haven't sent a note to C. Mass re: LRC yet as he is busy with Westside WX and addressing concerns about radioactive fallout from Japan heading for the West Coast - he has no concerns BTW.

  6. @OSNW3-

    Another faboulous webcam for you. Last year it was the owls. This time it's an Eagle Cam. I am mesmerized.
    Hope the kids like it too!
    Happy Spring! -CJ

  7. Bob, most of our snow is gone now. We had 50's for max temps two consecutive days. Yesterday and today. That hasn't happened since Nov 11-12. It probably won't happen again until the second week of April.

    CJ! Thank you for the link! Now that the snow is gone, I am reminded I have a very large brush pile in the back and the yard needs a raking badly.


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