
Showing posts from March, 2014

A Niagara Escarpment Mini Glacier

I've been traveling to a customer site in Sheboygan, WI for over a decade. The route I choose to take most often is the road less traveled. I like to go slow and look at the scenery. My favorite portion of the route (the bulls-eye on the map above) is traversing Wisconsin's southern portion of the Niagara Escarpment . During the winter months I often observe a large chunk of ice slowly snaking it's way down the escarpment towards the road. (the bulls-eye on the map below is where the chunk of ice exists) I think of the chunk of ice as a mini glacier. Each time I pass it I notice how it grows, deforms and flows through time. This year is it abnormally large. Compelled by it, I stopped and took a couple photos today. Update on the NEMG - April 1, 2014 While I was on my way out of Sheboygan earlier in the day I hugged Lake Michigan. #lakemichigan is certainly open as of right now. #sheboygan #wiwx — Josh Herman (@OSNW3) ...